Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Scary Doll ♥ Love Story

In this vast world of darkness, a small light makes a tiny hole at a tiny room. There's clutter everywhere and in the middle of it, a man sitting comfortably at a stool, buried on his own work.
"At last!" he said, holding up a piece of paper on his hand, his eyes shining with awe."I'm done!"

The bell rang and woke him up with a start. His eyes still adjusting with the brightness, he looked around and saw many faces staring at him. All past these staring is an exemption, it is not looking at him with worry but anger.
"Whoa!" he screamed. The eyes were so close to his that made him jump and fell back on his chair. Carefully he touched the back on his head and muttered "Ow."
"Why, Mr.Sean, you're last..." his mocking eyes looked down on him. "Mr.Sean, let me just remind you that THIS IS A CLASSROOM ! Not a BEDROOM!" his arms was crossed and he was breathing heavily. "This will be the last time that I'll reprimand you, Mr. Sean. Next time, I'll kick you outside and make you stand until the end of the period. UNDERSTAND?!"
"Yes, sir." he politely said. The teacher walked away immediately out of class.
"That hurts." he said to himself.
"You're such a troublemaker, aren't you?" he looked up and saw a pretty girl standing beside him.
He sighed and said," Are you gonna help me or not?"
She generously stretched her hand to him and lift him up. He said to her,"Thank you."
"No problem." she replied. Together they walked out of the room and went to their usual place where two of there friends were waiting.
"What is it this time? I can hear Mr. Bob growling as we passed him." another girl infront of him asked.
"Nah. Tiff. Nothing actually. I'm just a little sleepy."
"Hey, guess what? I think I've heard of that line a million times. Couldn't you think of something better? Something new?."  Roy asked him.
"Sure. Next time. I'll make another sentence for you." He laughed.
"You can even laugh at that? Really Sean, you don't know how to quit." Mae said.
"Ah.. C'mon. Its just for fun. Life is boring without it." Sean said, with a mocking smile.
"So whats the latest?" Tiff said. He grinned widely.He took out a piece of paper out of his bag.
"Wow." Tiff and Roy moved closer to take a better look at Sean's art. "You're truly amazing, Sean.You're a very talented artist." She said.
"Huh. Stupid thing." Mae snorted.
"Here we go again.." Roy murmured.
"Mae, stop it will you?" Tiff said.
" What? I'm just saying my piece on that.. thing... You're wasting your time on something that is not worth spending your time with."
"Just think of it! A guy designing clothes for girls? Is that something a straight guy would do on his free time? certainly not!"
They all looked at his sad face, sighing.

"Hey here it is!!!" Roy blurted out after hours of searching." The auction... for the... scary doll.."
"Scary doll? She didn't seem scary to me." Tiff said.
"Lets go." Sean said excitedly.
They arrived at the auction just in time. Time is dragging on as the prices got higher. But at last, Sean was able to have it, his most precious doll. That same night, he made dresses for the doll. He really wanted something--  or someone-- to be his model. To wear his designs, and appreciate them. He's overwhelmed with happiness that he didn't realize that he was so tired and dozed off. In his dream, he saw a blurred face of a girl looking down at him. He reached out to touch her, and a clear view of her face came to his sight. He woke up, and scanned the room.There was no one there except the doll sitting idly at the corner. The doll's cuteness is overflowing. Its clear complexion reflected the light that shines over it. Unconsciously he reached for the doll and kissed its head.

The night fell again. After a long day, Sean settled on the spot where he had been the night before but this time he's not making dresses for the doll, but doing homework. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him and he looked around. But he found none. In the corner of his eye, he saw a movement of a shadow just outside the room. He got up to his feet and slowly walked outside. He looked around the room but still found no one. He was going back when he heard faint footsteps coming up to him. The sound became more louder, nearer. He stood frozen. Slowly he turned around and saw the shadow moving towards him. The air became dense and he breathed heavily. The shadow moved under the light of the moon, showing a lovely face, skin glowing even brighter than the moonlight. It opened its mouth and uttered," Alexa.... my master.."

He immediately sat up, sweat trickling down his face. He got up and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and looked in the mirror. He shook his head. It was not true.. It was just a dream. He heaved a deep sigh. He dried himself with a towel and walked out of the room. He stopped when he felt something on his feet and when he looked down, he saw the doll on his feet. He took the doll up and curiously held it up high level to his eyes. He shivered. It seemed that he saw a soul on those beautiful eyes, the girl in his dreams. He smiled and put the doll on its usual place and prepared for school.

Later that night, he finally knew the truth. He called its name and right in his face the doll he so loved turned into a beautiful girl he had ever seen. The doll spoke first, telling him her history. She was a mystery doll, even her creator was scared of her. After that, she never had a master that loved her and took care of her even after they knew her identity. She thanked him for that, for not leaving her side.

One afternoon, upon arriving from school, he opened the door and saw that the house is filled with black smoke. He immediately looked for her and called her name until he heard banging in the kitchen. He made his way through the kitchen and found Alexa sitting in the middle of the messy area. She coughed and blinked a lot of times to clear the smoke in her eyes. She was dirty and all but to him, she still looked beautiful.
"What're you doing?" he asked. She look up to him and met his eyes. He knew that she was sorry, it was written all over her face. She gave a shy smile that make her look cuter.
"I was trying to make you dinner. But I guess.." she looked away. He smiled. He wondered why he felt so good though it feels like it is wrong to have this feeling.. He should be scared, worried.. but it never occurred to him. Instead, he felt a nice sensation, a sensation he never felt before. He sighed.
"Do you know how to cook?" he said a last. She struggled to get up. She looked so delicate, so fragile.
"There was a time when my previous master brought me here.. and I saw them cook.. but I didn't see much though.. I am changing masters from time to time so I didn't have time to observe well."
"He stopped infront of her and laid out his hand." I'll teach you then."
She reached over his outstretched hand and he pulled her up. He felt a jolt of happiness rush through him. He wanted to scream, to shout, to jump for joy. They stared intimately with each other, their bodies close to each other. And for the first time he felt it.. he now understood everything.. The feeling that's inside him even when she visited him in his dreams.. He knew it all along that it was love..

Eversince, Sean went to school with a gleam in his eyes and a meaningful smile..Everyone noticed this and he influence them with his enthusiasm.
"What's up?" Roy asked him, one morning. He was so engrossed recalling all the happy memories with Alexa thus, it took him a while to answer back. "Nothing."
"What's with all those smiles? You don't usually do that."
Sean sniggered. But Roy ignored it.
"C'mon, Sean. Tell me. I've known you for so long and I can tell that your hiding something. Hey, I'm you friend you know."
Sean wasn't able to contain himself anymore. He really wanted to tell everything why his happiness is overflowing. But a sudden thought occurred to him and sadness crept over his face. A familiar voice boomed behind him.
"Hey Sean, what's the fuss all about?" Tiff said, squatting to the grass together with Mae." People say you've been running all over the place."
"I'm not-.. I.. behaved well today." he haughtily said.
"That's what I'm talking about.." she said.
Mae wasn't able to remain silent. She aggressively said in a cool tone.. "Is there somebody?"
Sean stopped. All of them turned to her.
"I'm just curious." She narrowed her eyes on him, despite all the stunned faces. "Is it because of the girl you like?"
Sean held his breath. He can feel everyone's eyes on him, waiting for the answer. There's a felt of uneasiness yet happiness inside of him. He doesn't know how to explain, for he was not really good at expressing his feelings well. He knew that they would laugh at him and call him an idiot if he'll say all the things that he knew.
Is there?? Is there really? I mean.. I just knew her for just a week now but.. I guess I've already known.. Is it really like this? I.... He asked himself. Her beautiful face and cute smile flashed to his mind. Is she... Is she the one?
"So there is one!Who is she? Do we know her? Where does she live? At what school is she in? How long have you been together? Sean,who is she?!!!"
He felt hot blood rushed to his face. " I better go home."
"What? Wait! Sean!" they called out. They all stared in silence as he went away..

"That was not a good thing to do." he stared at her." Now speak. Why did you do that?"
She looked down. If she was able to blush, Alexa would've turned red in embarrassment.
"It was because... because of that girl.."
He snickered. That night, the two of them were invited to come to Tiff's house. They were admiring her and he said his thanks to Tiff for if it weren't for her, he wouldn't have met the doll, his love, Alexa. They stared at each other as he said this and he put his hand over hers. She giggled shyly and decided to go check Roy in the kitchen. He went with her and when suddenly they heard a crash back in the living room. When they get back, the vase on the table crashed into pieces, onto the floor.
"What's so funny?" Alexa said, scowling.
So cute.. He thought. He put back on his serious tone." You mean.. you did that because.. I'm in good terms with her?"
"You were so sweet to her." she mumbled. He put on his happy face again. She's even more beautiful when she's mad..He slowly reached and touched her cheek, moving down to lift her chin. He intently looked to her eyes and slowly, inch-by-inch closing the space between them..
He stopped and held his breath. He turned away, his hand fell down to the side in frustration. He gave out a deep sigh.. "Who is it?" he called out.
"It's Mae.." the voice responded. He glanced at her. she was staring at him meaningfully.
"I'm just gonna answer it.." Slowly, he walked out of the room to the door. That was close... He thought.
He immediately wrecked the door open to get done with the intruder. He saw Mae, a little unstable, drunk.
"What are you-?"
"Is that how you greet a friend?" she smiled."Aren't you going to let me in?" But before he could respond, she swiftly passed him.
"Wow. Just when did this place become clean, Sean?" she said, looking around.
"I.. cleaned it." he said upon turning. She was already lying lazily at the sofa. Alexa was the one doing all the chores at home.
"I'll just get some something to wipe your face with."he said turning away and moving to his room. He was facing the cabinet when someone embraced him from behind.
"What the-?" he turned around and without knowing, Mae kissed him. He moved away from her but she kept him close. She stroked his face with the back of her hand and mumbled," I love you, Sean. Ever since the day that I met you."
"No. You can't." he said immediately. She was taken aback."Why not?"
"Let me guess.." she moved away." Its that new girl you got, isn't it?" she smirked. She moved closer. " Sean, she's worthless. I'm the one for you." She leaned more closely but she stopped. Slowly, her body lifted up infront of him. A strong force threw Mae away and landed on the bed.
" You. shall. never. ever. move. close. to Sean... again." Alexa said threateningly.
Mae screamed and ran away..

Like the usual thing she do after Sean go to school, Alexa immediately cleaned the room. She was very happy knowing that she was able to cook for him for the first time and he appreciated it. She was cleaning the kitchen when she notice a rectangular ware on the table. She lifted the lid and saw that it was all food.
"This is..?" she remembered Sean putting this thing on his bag."He left it.. Oh well, I know where he goes.."
She excitedly left the house and made her way to the school. As she went, she noticed that many people kept on staring on her. But she didn't care. She was going to see him and that's what matters most.
She got in Sean's school in no time. She walked around the campus and searched for him.She asked them until she got to the girl in whom she got a fight the night before. She screamed and said that she was a monster, that she's bad. People gathered around her. Scared, she ran away back to the house while the girl's voice kept on ringing on her head. She went back to where Sean would put her and went back into her doll form. She heard loud footsteps coming closer and closer. She closed her eyes and cried.

She opened her eyes and blinked many times at the new room she's in.
Another master? she thought. The last thing she remembered, something hit her in the head and she went unconscious. But how? How did I come here? She sobbed. As I thought.. I can't last with him.. 
The chime on the door tinkled. She heard soft footsteps coming toward her. She slowly lift her head
"You? But how?" she breathed.
He kneeled down and hugged her tightly." At last.. you're back."

Years before..
"Sean, are you sure this is what you wanted to do?" Tiff asked him. He nodded.
"But why?" Roy asked.
"There is something that I must do.." Sean replied.
"Because of your parents?" she asked.
"Then what?"
"Just.." he took a deep breath." Just important."
"Well, I guess there's no stopping you." Roy patted him on the shoulder. He smiled.
"We'll gonna miss you, Sean.." she hugged him tightly.
"We'll keep in touch." Roy waved...
            Sean spent his 13 years abroad on learning how to reconstruct a doll. He studied hard on how to do it and suffered long nights without sleep. And now, at last... his true love is back.. for him...

Thanks to Ms. Irish Vasquez for imparting this wonderful story of yours and for patiently recalling your dreams... Thanks Ai! ♥


  1. Thanks for Ms. Irish Vasquez for this story... I still have the other one.. Hope you'll be able to tell me more about your dreams Ai!!! you're so cute as always!!!!

  2. ngek! starring gani aku name noh?
    welxies welx magat :]

  3. thanks! everyone!!! its really nice to hear good feedbacks from you.... its my first masterpiece thats why...

  4. may FUTURE mags...! atu niya ni i publish sa libro :DDD

  5. haha.. cge2... maghimu p ko ug lain pra dghan ang mapublish... ty mal...

  6. nice :] hehehe
    keep it up.. ^^

  7. @jun: sorry.. taas jud sya.. mas taas p mn gani ang original.. haha
    @kuya g: ty kuya...
